Permanent Dialogue Forum of Saida


2018 - 2019




In partnership with the South Lebanon Governorate, the Municipality of Saida and relevant national ministries, the Hariri Foundation launched the Permanent Dialogue Forum of Saida, comprising a series of local sectoral policy dialogue forums addressing urban policies and plans in Saida. 

The dialogue forum constitutes the twenty-seventh action of the Urban Sustainable Development Strategy (USUDS) of Saida, aimed at rebuilding societal trust and laying the foundations for shared responsibility among the different stakeholders in the city’s strategy and its objectives. The forum seeks to initiate and sustain a structured, scientific dialogue among citizens and sectoral stakeholders while engaging youth activists in the design and implementation of forums to tailor this dialogue through innovative modalities which reflect the specificities and structures of every developmental sector. 

Forum modalities include the assessment of the reality of the city from a sectoral perspective, the monitoring and evaluation of developmental project implementation, as well as serious consultations to define the city’s priorities and goals and to advocate them with the relevant ministry. Today, the conferences organized under the different programs at Hariri Foundation have adopted the creative modalities and consultative processes benchmarked through the Permanent Dialogue Forum.